Приєднатись до розсилки
Міжнародний благодійний фонд “Добробут громад”
(МБФ “Добробут громад”)
International Charitable Fund COMMUNITY WELLBEING

Ecofruit project


(Ukraine Strawberry Communities)

Project goal:

Support at least 500 individual households in increasing their income by up to 50% through uniting them into an agricultural service cooperative to produce strawberry using modern technologies and selling it through the cooperative

Key project outcomes:

  • Income of 500 rural families is increased by 50% due to expanding strawberry production
  • Rural families get access to new sales channels (wholesale fresh market and industrial processing). Coop strengthens its capacity as a vital chain between producers and consumers.
  • By 2017 more than 1300 rural families will improve their knowledge on strawberry value added and environmentally friendly practices. Strawberry coop appearing in other communities.
  • Creation of cooperative field up to 25 ha
  • Supporting of family farms in strawberry production
  • Purchasing of soil tillage equipment, irrigation system and thermo truck
  • Building of cooling chamber.

Period of project implementation:

  • І – phase (2012-2014 )
  • ІІ – phase (2015-2017)

Project donors:

Heifer international Heifer international
Heifer international Ecosystem Fund Danone
Heifer international Dantrade
Heifer international Danone Ukraine – the costumer for strawberry

Project partners :

  • Kremenets district council and administration
  • Ternopil oblast council and administration
  • Losiatyn village council,
  • Cooperatives and family farms

Innovative Farming and Cooperation NGO (Implementing Partner in terms of Ecofruit Project, Phase 2)





Project budget ($):

  • 1 537 000 Euro (first and second phase in total)

Project implementation area:

  • Ternopil and Lviv regions

Project previuos phases’ result:

  • Since 2014, coop cover the needs of Danone-Ukraine in strawberry for 100%
  • Planted 29ha of strawberry

(22 ha on joint field and 7 ha with family farms)

  • Coop and its enterprise were equipped with all needed equipment for soil cultivation, irrigation, strawberry logistic
  • Family farms got solid knowledge and financing for strawberry plantation
  • Constructed cooling and freezing chambers and purchased thermo-truck
  • Attracted USAID and UNDP grants for chambers construction

Social impact of the project

  • More than 300 people increase their income for 30-50% annualy working as seasonal workers in coop’s field and in family farms
  • Created more than 60 permanent working places
  • Decreased labor migration of local people abroad
  • More than 1000 people participated on strawberry production, quality requirements and sale
  • Coop’s managers receive tractor services, purchase high quality seedlings, fertilizers and plant protection means
  • Coop’s members are able to sell their strawberry through coop having proper varieties

Family farm development

  • In 2014 five family farms received cofinancing for plantation of 7 ha of strawberry
  • Farmers got high quality plants and system of drip irrigation;
  • All other costs on field preparation, water supplying and labor cost were covered by farmers;
  • In 2015 first harvest in 56 t was obtained by farmers;
  • Major part (about 80%) was sold to Danone and less (20%) to fresh market;
  • Average sale price was 16 UAH/kg;
  • totally family farms income was 900 kUAH for sold strawberry.  

Фото проекту

Досягнення попередніх фаз проекту (ключові показники):

  • З 2014 року кооператив вперше в Україні забезпечує такого великого промислового клієнта як Данон-Україна в полуниці на 100%, замістивши імпортну
  • Загалом засаджено 29 гектарів полуниці

(22 га на спільному полі та 7 га з сімейними фермерами)

  • Кооперативу та його підприємству створено виробничу базу з необхідним обладнанням для обробітку грунту, поливу та транспортування полуниці на переробку
  • Сімейні ферми отримали грунтовні знання та співфінансування на посадку  полуниці на їхніх паях
  • Побудовано камеру охолодження та закуплено термо-автомобіль
  • Залучено грант проекту Агро-інвест та ПРООН для співфінансування будівництва камери охолодження та заморозки